Tuesday Challenge Snowflakes

December 21, 2009 at 11:45 pm (Uncategorized)

Create art using “Snowflakes” as a theme  – in some way, shape, or fashion. Use a word, image, color or feeling to portray the theme.  Use collage images, rubber stamps, inks, embellishments, charms, paints, eyelets, ribbons, fancy papers… whatever else you wish to create your challenge. Create a card, ATC, tag, altered art, 4 x 4, skinny (3 x 5 inches), inchies – anything you desire! Post your art to your blog, picture trail or photo sharing site, then post a direct link to your challenge art under the comments section to share with others! Have fun and make art!!! (Please include our challenge link on your blog).

This week’s artwork from Design Team member Yogi Grunwald


Suzanne would really like to take your submissions this week (Snowflakes) and add them to her next newsletter (if you have never seen the newsletter here is a link to the most recent one

November 2009 newsletter

ENTERING THIS WEEK’S CHALLENGE MEANS YOU HAVE GIVEN YOUR PERMISSION for your artwork, credited to you (hopefully with a link back to your blog), in the next By Hand Newsletter.

If you don’t receive the newsletter announcement, you can sign up on my homepage!:


Create without limits! Suzanne

featured Quietfire products:

Rubber Quote: Snowflakes

Rubber : Snowflake Ornament

Stamp Pads


  1. Kelly said,

    here is my challenge

  2. yogi Grunwald said,

  3. Yvonne said,

  4. rein said,

    My entry is on my blog

  5. Heather Robinson said,

    My “Snowflake” themed art doll is on my blog here:


    Happy holidays to all of you!

  6. Mandy said,

  7. Rachel said,

  8. Faye said,

    I have a triple challenge entry on my blogspot blog:


  9. Charmaine said,

    Here is my challenge:

  10. Cath said,

  11. Kersten said,

    Let it snow, Let it snow, Let it snow…

  12. Kris Dickinson said,

    Perfect challenge for the first week of Winter. Here’s mine:

    Crystal Snowflake

    ~~~TFL and have a very Merry Christmas! – Kris

  13. Amy said,

    I used a snowflake brad on my atc..thanks for looking.

  14. Hazel said,

    my digi card is here

    wishing you a Happy Christmas x

  15. Winterkarte « Hafitantes Leben und Basteln said,

    […] Dezember 26, 2009 von Hafitante Diese Winterkarte habe ich heute nach dem Sketch von Sketch-Saturday #82 gewerkelt. Sie passt auch zum Thema von Crazy Amigo *Winter* und Createdbyhand *Schneeflocken* […]

  16. Hafitante said,

    Here are my snowflakes.

  17. leni said,

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